I am happy to see that TheRubyMine is online and so if you are interested in the Italian Ruby and Ruby on Rails community then you should take a look and perhaps even take part.
It is still early days for them but give them some time and I am sure they will start causing trouble… hmm I hope it won’t be long before I join in with the fun!
Update: it is probably a much better to look at the official Haiku wiki for more up-to-date information.
A couple of nights ago I decided that it was time to see if I could get BeOS to work on my iBook (it worked but it was very slow). The only way I could get it to work was with emulation. I found the information on various places on the Internet but I forgot to note down where I found it from so I am recreating it here (so that at least I don’t forget how it was done).
For now I am trying to use just the simple BeOS 5 Personal Edition.
Download the BeOS R5 Personal Edition for Linux from BeBits
Extract the file that you just downloaded and if you want to, place image.be and floppy.img somewhere
At this point, you should open up a Terminal window and cd to the location where image.be and floppy.img are. Both files are needed to get BeOS PE to run and so the following should be typed:
qemu -fda floppy.img -hda image.be -boot a -m 128 -user-net# -fda floppy.img# The floppy disk is floppy.img# -hda image.be# The hard disk is image.be# -boot a# Boot from drive a# -m 128# Provide 128 meg of memory# -user-net# Creates a private network (?)
After a while BeOS will be running in greyscale. Either I would have to enable the safe video mode everytime I booted BeOS or I would have to use one of the pieces of software on BeBits to force the video mode. I couldn’t get the network to work so I was stuck with the problem of how to transfer files to BeOS. I tried to make a dmg but it didn’t work so in the end I made a CD image using the following command:
Well something seems to have happened in the past couple of days or perhaps it has been weeks and I never noticed. For now I am reverting to a wordpress version, but surely something doesn’t work.
It is quite troublesome and makes me wonder if I should just hand-cruft some html again but those would be dangerous waters indeed…
I recently developed a rubyonrails application in which a user had a province (as part of their address) and also a collection of selected provinces.
I could very easily find out which provinces a user had selected and also which users had selected a specific province. However I didn’t realise that if I accessed a user via the province then the province_id which previously pointed the user’s address province was replaced by the id of the selected province.
province=Province.find_firstprovince.users.eachdo|user|# do something# however user.province_id now points to provinceend
I assume the province_id is added by the habtm join so that we can understand which selected_province object this user object comes from however in my case it meant that I lost the original province_id and so if I saved that user then I would end up changing the address province.
This is probably not a bug as such but something that should be watched out for as it took me a while to discover this problem with my application.